A Holiday Message From TPM Martial Arts

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A Holiday Message From TPM Martial Arts

On November 20 TPM students attended a USTA taekwondo seminar dedicated to the late Grandmaster Richard Chun, who established the USTA in 1980. TPM students were awed by GM Chun’s taekwondo legacy. The event was educational and uplifting as what GM Chun stood for continues on. That which is the integrity of taekwondo as a method of self-defense and a “DO” a way of life. The ability to inspire all as a martial artist and people was one of his many inspirational traits. Even (TPM) taekwondo students who never had the opportunity to meet him felt his presence in the room. Thank you Grandmaster Doug Cook, Patty Cook, TPM/Chosun Instructors, students, family members, to all Grandmasters who gave instruction and shared their technique and wisdom during the event for making the event a success. Last but not least Thank you Grandmaster Rhin Moon Richard Chun for your timeless dedication to the art of taekwondo and your infinite wisdom. Wishing everyone, Merry Christmas!
Happy Holidays!
Arun Salgunan

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